Tiếng anh lớp 4 unit 10


bdskingland.com xin giới thiệu đến những em Bài tập giờ đồng hồ Anh lớp 4 Unit 10 Where were you yesteray? tất cả đáp án được sưu tầm cùng đăng tải sẽ là nguồn tài liệu hữu dụng giúp những em cải thiện chất lượng môn học cũng tương tự nhắc lại kỹ năng Từ vựng - Ngữ pháp giờ đồng hồ Anh Unit 10 Where were you yesterday?.

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1. Bài bác tập giờ đồng hồ Anh unit 10 lớp 4 Where were you yesterday?

Ex 1: Loi t khác nhóm:

1. A. Morning

b. Evening

c. Dancing

d. Afternoon

2. A. Tomorrow

b. Night

c. Yesterday

d. Today

3. A. See

b. Meet

c. Watch

d. Again

4. A. Hello

b. Goodbye

c. Good morning

d. Good afternoon

5. A. Japanese

b. Australia

c. America

d. England

6. A. Austalian

b. Malaysian

c. Vietnamese

d. America

7. A. Wednesday

b. Yesterday

c. Saturday

d. Tuesday

8. A. On

b. Sit

c. In

d. To

9. A. What

b. Want

c. Where

d. How

10. A. February

b. Library

c. March

d. July

11. A. May

b. April

c. Ninth

d. June

12. A. Twenty

b. Twenty-third

c. Twenty-three

d. Twenty-nine

13. A. Ride

b. Bike

c. Swim

d. Swing

14. A. Dictation

b. Write

c. Comic book

d. Text

15. A. Tennis

b. Football

c. Guitar

d. Volleyball

16. A. Classroom

b. Teacher

c. Gym

d. Computer room

17. A. Address

b. Village

c. District

d. City

18. A. Road

b. Street

c. Study

d. Village

19. A. Photograph

b. Mask

c. Puppet

d. Take

20. A. Maths

b. Science

c. Month

d. Informatic technology

21. A. Paint

b. Read

c. Video

d. Listen

22. A. Water

b. School

c. Zoo

d. Class

23. A. Exercise

b. Music

c. Dictation

d. Draw

24. A. Wash

b. Water

c. Week

d. Want

25. A. Birthday

b. Monday

c. Thursday

d. Sunday

Ex 2: xong xuôi bng đng t sau:

1. Cook

Nấu nướng



2. Skate

3. Skip

4. Dance

5. Play

6. Study

7. Want

8. Collect

9. Watch

10. Listen

11. Paint

12. Wash

13. Water

14. Clean

15. Talk

16. Work

17. Chat

18. Get

19. Do

Ex 3: Hãy viết 10 câu v nhng điu sẽ xy ra trong thừa kh:

Ex 4: Sp xếp các t sau thành câu đúng:

1. Nice/ she/ a/ picture/ drawed/ yesterday/.

2. Morning/ he/ piano/ yesterday/ the/ played/.

3. This/ TV/ watched/ and/ brother/ Lan/ her/.

4. Video/ evening/ a/ watched/ yesterday/ Linda/.

5. Afternoon/ you/ do/ did/ this/ what/?

6. Chess/ did/ they/ play/?

7. Were/morning/ where/ you/ yesterday/?

8. I / morning/ the/ this/ flowers/ and/ father/ my/ watered/ .

9. Yesterday/ Tom/ Phong/ played/ and/ afternoon/ volleyball/.

10. Picture/ she/ painted/ a/ afternoon/ this/.

Ex 5: Read and match:

1. Where were you yesterday morning?

a. She was at trang chủ with her family.


2. Did you watch TV last night?

b. I’m from Tokyo, Japan.


3. What’s he doing?

c. She is cooking in the kitchen.


4. Does she have any pets?

d. Yes, I did.


5. Where was she last weekend?

e. It was the twenty-seventh of November.


6. What was the date yesterday?

f. He’s painting a mask.


7. What is your mother doing?

g. Yes, she does.


8. Where are you from?

h. I was in the school library.


Ex 6: Chn lời giải đúng:

1. My mother can (cook/ cooks/ cooking/ cooked) very well.

2. At the brown table the girls (are making/ makes/ making/ is making) a paper boat.

3. We don’t (go/ goes/ going/ went) khổng lồ school at the weekend.

4. Where (was/ is/ were/ are) you yesterday?

5. They are (dance & singing/ dancing và singing/ dance và sing/ danced và sing) in the classroom.

6. I was (at/ to/ in/ on) trang chủ with my grandparents yesterday.

7. She likes (listens/ listening/ listened/ listen) to music.

8. My favourite subjects (are/ is/ do/ does) IT và Science.

9. The teacher is reading a (music/ video/ dictation/ paint).

10. I’m (on/ in/ behind/ to) the beach with my friends.

Ex 7. Read and circle the correct sentences. 

1. A. What bởi you vày yesterday?

B. What did you bởi vì yesterday?

2. A. Where was you yesterday?

B. Where were you yesterday?

3. A. I watered the flowers yesterday.

B. I water the flowers yesterday.

4. A. They are in class last Sunday.

B. They were in class last Sunday.

5. A. Lan was at home last night.

B. Lan were at home last night.

Ex 8. Write Was or Were.

1. The teachers ___________ kind.

2. The student ___________ very smart.

3. Five students ___________ in the class.

4. We ___________ sorry for her.

5. She ___________ tall và thin.

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6. Lan ___________ unhappy.

7. Quan & Hung ___________ at the cinema this morning.

8. She ___________ in London last Sunday.

9. Phong ___________ on the beach last weekend.

10. It ___________ sunny yesterday.

11. We ___________ at home.

12. You ___________ at school this morning.

13. Nam giới ___________ at trang chủ last night.

14. The dogs ___________ in the garden.

15. The children ___________ at the zoo.

16. Khanh___________ at his grandparents" this morning.

2. Đáp án bài bác tập giờ đồng hồ Anh Unit 10 lớp 4 Where were you yesterday?

Ex 1: các loại từ khác nhóm:

1 - c2 - b3 - d4 - b5 - a
6 - d7 - b8 - b9 - b10 - b
11 - c12 - b13 - b14 - b15 - c
16 - b17 - a18 - c19 - d20 - c
21 - c22 - a23 - c24 - c25 - a

Ex 2: ngừng bng đng t sau:

1. Cook

Nấu nướng



2. Skate

Trượt băngSkatingSkate

3. Skip

Nhảy dâySkippingskipped

4. Dance


5. Play


6. Study


7. Want


8. Collect

Sưu tầmCollectingCollected

9. Watch


10. Listen


11. Paint


12. Wash


13. Water

tưới nướcwateringwatered

14. Clean

lau chùi


15. Talk


16. Work

làm việcworkingworked

17. Chat

Nói chuyệnchattingchatted

18. Get

có được, đem đượcgettinggot

19. Do


Ex 3: Hãy viết 10 câu v nhng điu sẽ xy ra trong thừa kh:

Gợi ý

I was at home yesterday.

I did my homework last night.

I visited my grandparents last Sunday.

I went lớn the zoo with my friends.

I went shopping in the supermarket.

I went to the cinema.

I played football with my classmates.

I took part in the English club.

I watered the flowers in the garden.

I listened to music.

Ex 4: Sp xếp những t sau thành câu đúng:

1 - She drawed a nice picture yesterday.

2 - He played the piano yesterday.

3 - Lan and her brother watched this TV.

4 - Linda watched a video clip yesterday morning.

5 - What did you vày this afternoon?

6 - Did they play chess?

7 - Where were you yesterday morning?

8 - I & my father watered flowers this morning.

9 - Tom and Phong played volleyball yesterday afternoon.

10 - She painted a picture this afternoon.

Ex 5: Read & match:

1 - h; 2 - d; 3 - f; 4 - g;

5 - a; 6 - e; 7 - c; 8 - b

Ex 6: Chn lời giải đúng:

1 - cook

2 - are making

3 - go

4 - were

5 - dancing và singing

6 - at

7 - listening

8 - are

9 - dictation

10 - on

Ex 7. Read & circle the correct sentences.

1 - B; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - B; 5 - A;

Ex 8. Write Was or Were.

1. The teachers _____were______ kind.

2. The student ______was_____ very smart.

3. Five students ______were_____ in the class.

4. We _____were______ sorry for her.

5. She _____was______ tall and thin.

6. Lan ____was_______ unhappy.

7. Quan và Hung ______were_____ at the cinema this morning.

8. She ____was_______ in London last Sunday.

9. Phong _____was______ on the beach last weekend.

10. It ______was_____ sunny yesterday.

11. We ___were________ at home.

12. You _____were______ at school this morning.

13. Phái mạnh _____was______ at home last night.

14. The dogs ____were_______ in the garden.

15. The children _____were______ at the zoo.

16. Khanh _____was______ at his grandparents" this morning.

Trên đây là Bài tập tiếng Anh 4 Unit 10 Where were you yesterday? kèm đáp án. Mời các bạn đọc đọc thêm nhiều tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh lớp 4 không giống như: Giải bài xích tập giờ đồng hồ Anh 4 cả năm, Trắc nghiệm giờ đồng hồ Anh lớp 4 online, Đề thi học kì 2 lớp 4, Đề thi học kì 1 lớp 4, ... được cập nhật liên tục bên trên bdskingland.com.

Bên cạnh team Tài liệu tiếp thu kiến thức lớp 4, mời quý thầy cô, bậc phụ huynh tham gia team học tập: tài liệu tiếng Anh Tiểu học tập - nơi cung cấp rất những tài liệu ôn tập tiếng Anh miễn phí giành riêng cho học sinh tiểu học (7 - 11 tuổi).