The flash season 3: best & worst episodes, ranked


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Season 3 begins with Barry – having averted the death of his mother – bringing Eobard back lớn the present and locking him in a speed-dampening cage. At one point, Eobard yells, “Who’s the villain now, Flash?!” Prescient words, indeed.

In this new version of the present day, Keiynan Lonsdale’s Wally West is Central City’s premier protector, Kid Flash. He gets crime-fighting assistance from his sister, Candice Patton’s Iris. Meanwhile, Carlos Valdes’ Cisco is a billionaire tech genius, và Danielle Panabaker’s Caitlin is an eye doctor for kids. Jesse Martin’s Joe is drinking a lot và getting in trouble at work.

Barry’s memories of the original timeline begin to fade, as the new reality begins to become permanent. Barry has something of a moral crisis: he enjoys spending time with the resurrected Nora & Henry Allen (played by Michelle Harrison & John Wesley Shipp, respectively), but he also realises that this version of reality might not be best for the rest of Team Flash. This comes to lớn a head when Wally is mortally wounded in a clash with Edward Clariss (aka The Rival), a new evil speedster played by Todd Lasance.

Just as Eobard predicted, Barry returns khổng lồ The Reverse-Flash’s cell & asks his nemesis khổng lồ go back in time và kill his mother again. Barry believes that this will turn everything back khổng lồ normal, but he’s very wrong about that.


Barry’s attempt at correcting the timeline didn’t work out as he’d hoped. His parents are dead again, but so is Cisco’s brother Dante (played by Nicholas Gonzalez), who was alive in the original timeline. Plus, Joe and Iris are not talking. & Barry has a new lab partner – Julian Albert, played by Tom Felton – who he doesn’t get along with. Essentially, this new ‘corrected’ timeline sucks.

Barry attempts to lớn go back in time again và make some more changes, but Jay Garrick (Earth-Three’s version of The Flash, who’s also played by John Wesley Shipp) pulls him out of the speed Force và gives him a talking to: Barry has lớn learn to lớn live with his mistakes, as the original timeline can never properly be remade.

Edward Clarris (who has no powers in this timeline) is confronted by a hooded figure named Alchemy, who promises to restore his speedster abilities from the Flashpoint timeline. Barry defeats the repowered Clarris, who is then killed in his cell by the metallic speedster Savitar. Also, at this point, the audience learns that Caitlin has gained ice powers – lượt thích her evil Earth-Two doppelganger, Killer Frost – thanks lớn Barry’s meddling with the timeline.

Jesse (played by Violett Beane) and her dad (Earth-Two’s Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells, played by Tom Cavanagh) return khổng lồ Earth-One. Jesse reveals that she gained speedster powers from the dark matter explosion at the kết thúc of season 2. Wally is jealous, & soon works out that he is having visions of his powered life from Flashpoint timeline, just lượt thích Clarris did.

Jesse and Barry work together to stop Magenta (Joey King), another repowered Flashpoint villain that the hooded menace Alchemy has restored. Harry decides to tư vấn Jesse’s superhero career, and Jesse gets her own speedster costume as a result.

She sticks around lớn get some training from Barry, and the pair work together again to defeat emergent new rogues Mirror Master (Grey Damon) & Top (Ashley Rickards). Barry ends up trapped in a mirror, và Caitlin secretly uses her ice powers to lớn get him out. Shortly after this, Caitlin seeks help from her mother – Carla Tannhauser, a scientist played by Susan Walters – about her condition.

Harry returns to his own Earth, & the gang recruits Earth-19’s H.R. Wells as his replacement on the team. This Wells turns out lớn be an tác giả rather than a science genius, và he likes playing with drumsticks. In his first adventure with Team Flash, the gang goes up against a giant hologram of Godzilla-like monster. Barry stops Tom Felton’s Julian from the shooting the person behind this destructive deception, who turns out khổng lồ be a 15-year-old boy. This experience causes Barry và Julian lớn put aside their differences, somewhat.

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In episode 6 of the season, there’s lot of confiding: Wally tells Barry about his speedster dreams, & Barry explains to Wally that he was Kid Flash in the Flashpoint timeline. Meanwhile, Caitlin reveals her ice powers to lớn Cisco. He then vibes her, and learns that Vibe và Killer Frost will have a proper fight at some point in the future. Barry, later in the episode, explains to Caitlin that her new powers have manifested thanks lớn Flashpoint.

Alchemy summons Wally, và Team Flash eventually decide on a plan: khổng lồ let Wally meet with Alchemy, so they can determine the villain’s location. Barry and Joe follow Wally with a SWAT team, and they do their best lớn confront Alchemy. However, Savitar shows up, enacting his first proper confrontation with the team.

The super-fast Savitar kills the SWAT team và takes Barry away, while Wally is encased in a cocoon by Alchemy. (Savitar & Alchemy are both voiced by Tobin Bell, fact fans!)


Kevin Smith directed episode 7 of the season. It opened with Savitar taking Barry on a beat-down tour of Central City, clearly displaying superior speed and fighting skills. Caitlin and Cisco showed up and attacked Savitar, và the villain fled. However, using her powers has a big downside for Caitlin: now, the Killer Frost side of her personality has taken over.

Killer Frost breaks into the CCPD and interrogates one of Alchemy’s acolytes, seeking a chance lớn confront Alchemy và have him fix her. Meanwhile, Joe breaks Wally out of his cocoon.

Wally now has speedster powers, but they aren’t particularly stable. Caitlin’s personality re-emerges, & it becomes apparent that Wally needs treatment. She concocts a serum to lớn stabilise him. Julian – who got caught up in the whole Killer Frost incident – agrees lớn keep Caitlin’s secret, on one condition: Barry resigns from the CCPD. Barry agrees to lớn this.


Then, Team Flash takes part in the huge Invasion crossover sự kiện with Arrow, Supergirl and Legends Of Tomorrow. Across four episodes of fun, the assembled heroes of The CW go up against The Dominators, an invading alien species.

In these episodes, everyone learns about Flashpoint. This happens because Barry, many years in the future, sends a message through time khổng lồ Rip Hunter of the Legends: future-Barry told present-day-Rip that Flashpoint had changed the timeline, and the speedster warned the time-traveller not lớn trust him. Tempers flare in the crossover episode, & Arrow’s John Diggle (David Ramsey) learns that Flashpoint – for some reason – changed the gender of his child.

In the end, everyone just about puts their issues with Barry lớn the side for long enough to lớn defeat the invading aliens. Also, in an important piece of housekeeping, Cisco creates a device that will allow Supergirl to lớn move between dimensions with less hassle.


After the crossover comes the important Rachel-Talalay-directed episode The Present. In this one, Barry works with Jay khổng lồ track down and defeat Alchemy. They put the important McGuffin known as the Philosopher’s Stone back into its box, which makes Savitar disappear. They also unmask Alchemy, revealing that Barry’s grumpy former lab partner Julian, who only came into existence after Flashpoint, was the man beneath the mask.

Julian explains that Savitar lured him – using visions of his dead sister – to the burial site of the Philosopher’s Stone. This stone allows Savitar to lớn take a physical form. Since locating it, Julian has experienced blackouts, during which time he’s acted as Savitar’s lackey, Alchemy.

While the stone is Team Flash’s possession, Savitar encourages Cisco – using visions of his dead brother – to open the box & allow him back into existence. Caitlin intervenes và Savitar’s precious stone stays inside the box. Savitar remains intangible.

Team Flash finds a way lớn use Julian khổng lồ communicate with Savitar. Tobin Bell’s voice comes out of Tom Felton’s mouth. Savitar displays a keen knowledge of Team Flash, & intones a dark prophecy: one of them will fall, one will betray the others, and one shall suffer a fate worse than death.