

An unadventurous bit of superhero housekeeping that only exists khổng lồ clean up the mess that “Avengers: Endgame” left behind.

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“Spider-Man: Far From Home”


Quite the opposite, in fact. While no one goes lớn a superhero movie expecting documentary realism, “Far From Home” is hard khổng lồ swallow even by the standards of a franchise in which one of the major characters is a space raccoon who sends emails to lớn Scarlett Johansson. Most of the MCU has required people lớn suspend disbelief, but this installment demands that viewers expel it entirely; the amount of brain-checking labor is off-the-charts absurd, and bleeds into some of the later fight scenes in a way that strips them of their most basic visual pleasures và detracts from their narrative purpose.

As tempting as it is khổng lồ applaud Marvel for scaling things down with its Spider-Man films — taking a larger-than-life saga and shrinking it khổng lồ a human level before things get intergalactic again in Phase 4 — “Far from Home” has an uneasy relationship with the teen elements. Stunted as they might be, the bits between Peter & MJ are still where the movie is at its best, but their screen-time together is far too limited for their to be a real foundation between them.

MJ in particular feels lượt thích she has so much going on under the surface, but these films keep punting it further down the field. And Peter, who has khổng lồ prove who he is to himself before he can be ready lớn reveal his identity khổng lồ the world, is mostly just annoyed by the chase. There’s no anguish there, as there was when he strained to hold a severed ferry together during “Homecoming,” or as there was when Tobey Maguire stopped a subway train from launching into the sea. There’s just FOMO and uncertainty & the feeling that people will believe in anything —no matter how dangerous it might be — before they believe in themselves.

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At the over of “Far From Home,” Peter Parker finally reaches the place where he feels lượt thích he can live up to the potential that Tony Stark saw in him. The journey there has been witty & winding, full of silly asides và another great Tony Revolori bit where he waxes poetic about how Spider-Man is the best in all of us, only to lớn turn around & nonchalantly call Peter a “dickwad” straight lớn his face. But the Spider-Man we find at the kết thúc of the movie is no different than the one we met at the start; he’s more confident now, & ready khổng lồ accept a truth of his own design, but you can’t help but feel lượt thích he could have learned all of the same things without leaving Queens or wasting our time.

Grade: C

Sony will release “Spider-Man: Far From Home” in theaters on Tuesday, July 2.

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