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IMPORTANT: This article applies only lớn specific products and/or operating systems. Kiểm tra Applicable Products và Categories for details.

The VAIO Care™ version 7 software can be used khổng lồ restore the computer to the original factory software configuration. Follow the procedure below to run a system recovery:

WARNING: There is a risk of data loss. All data, settings, và programs added to lớn the computer will be deleted. During this procedure you will have a chance to lớn back up your data. does not guarantee your personal data can be backed up and restored properly.


It is possible to lớn create your own Recovery truyền thông media on most computers. Instructions can be found in your product Electronics is no longer permitted khổng lồ sell system recovery truyền thông media for VAIO PCs that shipped with operating systems released prior to Windows 7. If your computer shipped with the Windows 7 operating system (or later), a Recovery media Kit can be purchased through Encompass Supply Chain Solutions at or 1-866-779-5153. If your computer shipped with any operating system released prior lớn the Windows 7 operating system, please contact Best Buy for VAIO PC repair & recovery options at 1-800-433-5778.

If the operating system will not start & no other troubleshooting can be performed, a system recovery can be performed by starting the computer and pressing the F10 key.It is recommended khổng lồ connect the AC adapter to lớn the computer so power nguồn is not interrupted.Disconnect all external devices, such as printers, network cables, cameras, external hard drives or flash drives.Make sure the computer is powered on và press the Assist button.

NOTE:If your computer does not have an Assist button on the đứng top of the keyboard, click Start, then click All Programs.

In the All Programs menu, click the VAIO Care thư mục and then click VAIO Care.

NOTE:If prompted for an administrator password or a User trương mục Control prompt is displayed, type the appropriate password, or click Yes.

In the VAIO Care application click Advanced Tools.
Click Recovery & Restore.
Click Recover Computer.
Click Yes khổng lồ proceed with the Recovery.

NOTE: The computer will restart.

In the VAIO Care Rescue window, click Start recovery wizard.
In the bởi you need to rescue your data? window, click Yes, I'd lượt thích to rescue my data.

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NOTE: If you bởi not have any data on your computer that you need to back up, click the Skip Rescue button & proceed lớn step 15.

Connect an external storage device to the computer, such as a USB hard drive or thumb drive.In the Select Rescue type window, click Easy rescue.

NOTE: If you would lượt thích to manually select files khổng lồ back up, click Custom Rescue & then follow the on-screen instructions.


NOTE: The software will automatically detect your data.

Click to select the drive where you would lượt thích to back up your data and then click the Next button.

NOTE: This screen displays the amount of disc space required & the amount of free space on the external drive.

In the Confirm options & start rescue window, click the Start Rescue button.

NOTE: A progress window will show the status of the backup.

In the Rescue has completed successfully window, click the Next button.
In the Are you sure you want to lớn start recovery? window, click to select Yes, I'm sure và then click the Start Recovery button.

NOTE: A status window is displayed indicating the progress of the different applications. No action is required. This process may take up khổng lồ 2 hours & the computer may restart several times.

In the Recovery complete window, click the Restart button.

NOTE: The computer will restart.

Follow the on-screen instructions to lớn set up the operating system và complete the system recovery.