How to start windows 10 in safe mode
Mysterious issues making your PC buggy? Learning how lớn boot into Windows 10 safe mode should be the next cửa nhà on your to-do list.
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Booting into safe mode is extremely useful for troubleshooting problems on your computer. Safe mode is a basic state, which uses only a small set of files & drivers. It can be used khổng lồ narrow down the source of your device’s issues.
If for example, your PC is constantly crashing & then when you boot it into safe mode the problem doesn’t reoccur then you know that it’s not the mặc định settings and basic drivers which are causing the crashing.
Safe mode is also useful if your Windows 10 device is running extremely slow, or even it won’t even start up at all. It’ll help you identify the source of the problem, và is one of the first steps that you can take to lớn getting your PC back up and running smoothly.
You can’t run your device in safe mode permanently though, as it limited many critical functions, but it’s a great tool when you’re having issues to lớn get lớn the root of the problem.
If you’re not sure how lớn boot into safe mode on Windows 10 then you’re in the right place, as beyond we’ll run you through how to vì so with easy-to-follow instructions.
How to lớn boot into Windows 10 safe mode from settings
(Image credit: Microsoft)
If you have full access to your device’s desktop và are able to boot into safe mode from the Settings Menu, here’s how to vị so:
Open Settings from the Start thực đơn or by pressing Windows + I. The Settings menu is super easy to lớn access from the Start Menu, which is located on the toolbar, just click the Windows logo in the corner & then look for the little cog symbol. Alternatively, press Windows + I khổng lồ bring up the Settings Menu. Select Updates & Security from the Settings Menu. If you can’t find Updates và Security in the Settings thực đơn then there’s a handy search bar that you can use to locate it. Open the Recovery tab on the Updates và Security Menu. On the left-hand column of the Updates and Security menu you’ll find the Recovery tab. If you’re struggling to locate it make use of the tìm kiếm bar. Under Advanced startup, select Restart Now. Hit the Restart Now button which is located under the Advanced start-up header. Make sure you’ve saved anything you were working on beforehand though. Select Troubleshoot.Select Advanced options.Select Startup Settings.Select Restart. After your device restarts, you’ll be faced with a ‘Choose an option’ menu, follow the steps above, first hit Troubleshoot, then Advanced options, then startup settings, và finally restart. This will again restart your device. Press F4 from the Startup Settings menu. After your Windows 10 device restarts, you’ll be faced with a numbered menu of options, you want number 4. This will boot your PC into safe mode. If you need networking capabilities in safe mode (i.e. The ability khổng lồ connect to lớn the internet) press F5 instead.How lớn boot into Windows 10 safe mode from the sign-in screen
(Image credit: Microsoft)
If you’re unable to access your desktop, & therefore cannot boot into safe mode from the settings menu, that’s not an issue. Here’s how to get access to safe mode from the sign-in screen:
Press và hold the shift key.Select Power.Select Restart. Hold the shift key & while you’re doing that press power (the button on the screen, not the physical power button on your device) and then restart.Select Troubleshoot.Select Advanced options.Xem thêm: Các Tính Năng Mới Của Win 1Nhà Sách Fahasa Đà Nẵng, Top 20 Nhà Sách Fahasa Nha Trang Mới Nhất 2022
Select Startup Settings.Select Restart. After your device restarts, you’ll boot into the ‘Choose an option’ menu, follow these steps, first hit Troubleshoot, then Advanced options, then startup settings, and finally restart. Afterwards, your device will restart. Press F4 at the Startup Settings menu. After your Windows 10 device restarts, you’ll have various options in front of you, you want to select number 4, bởi this by pressing F4. This will boot your PC into safe mode. If you need networking capabilities in safe mode (i.e. The ability to connect khổng lồ the internet) press F5 instead.How khổng lồ boot into Windows 10 safe mode from a blank screen
If your PC is in a bad state, and you can’t even get beyond a blank screen (or it’s completely crashed) you still have a way to lớn get to lớn safe mode.
Hold down the power button for 10 seconds. Located the physical nguồn button on your device, and hold it down for a period of 10 seconds.Press the power button. After the device has fully powered down, press the power button again.When your device powers up immediately hold the power button for 10 seconds again. The second you have an indication that your device is powering up, for example, some devices will show a manufacturing hình ảnh sản phẩm upon booting up, hold the nguồn button for 10 seconds ago which will switch your device off. Repeat steps 2 và 3 a second time. Once again turn on your device & the minute it starts to lớn wake up, hold the power nguồn button for 10 seconds lớn switch it off.Press the nguồn button again, this time allowing your device to fully restart. After doing steps 2 and 3 twice, this time when you hit the power button you want to let your device fully nguồn up. You should now enter what is known as the Windows Recovery Environment (winRE). Select Troubleshoot.Select Advanced options.Select Startup Settings.Select Restart. After your device powers up, you’ll see a ‘Choose an option’ menu, follow these steps, first hit Troubleshoot, then Advanced options, then startup settings, và finally restart. Afterward, your device will restart.Press F4 at the Startup Settings menu. After your device restarts, you’ll have a các mục of options in front of you. You want to select number 4, by pressing F4, this will boot you into safe mode. Or you can press F5 lớn boot into safe mode with networking capabilities.How khổng lồ leave Windows 10 Safe Mode
So, when you"re done with Safe Mode, it"s easy khổng lồ get out. Just restart your computer:
Click the Start button.Select Power.Select Restart. You will be returned to normal Windows 10.