终于知道什么叫“美不美,看大腿。”。。。作者: Viper俊. 时间: 2012-12-27 12:23
I am bone of water invitation吾为水贴而生
diaosi is my body身为吊丝
yellow river is my blood血如黄河
I have a lot of water invitation我水过许多帖子
unaware of famous未曾火过
nor aware of gain未尝满足
often sitting in front of PC and iphone常坐于电脑与手机
fall in love with dream west travel独醉于开云网页版,开云(中国)官方
Yet those hands will never hold anything故 此生亦无任何存在感
So my whole life was infinite water invitation因此 此生定为无限水贴作者: 步莲莲 时间: 2012-12-27 12:23 回复 21#lkjhg132
靓不靓,看什么呢(⊙o⊙)作者: lkjhg132 时间: 2012-12-27 12:27 回复 23#步莲莲